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You're The One That I Want - John Travolta & Olivia Newton (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #grease
Let It Go - James Bay (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #jamesbay #coversong #letitgo
Blinding Lights - The Weeknd (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #Theweeknd #Blindinglights #Cover #Acoustic
Chasing Cars - Snow Patrol (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #Snowpatrol #Chasingcars #Cover #Acoustic
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #Imaginedragons #Radioactive #Cover #Acoustic
Your Body Is A Wonderland - John Mayer (JUNE Duo Acoustique) on Spotify #Johnmayer #Cover
Wedding @bijouplagecannes (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #wedding #weddingband #beachwedding #southoffrance
JUNE - Duo Acoustique
Shallow - Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #Shallow #Cover #Astarisborn #Acoustic
Hotel California - The Eagles (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #Hotelcalifornia #Theeagles
All I Want - Kodaline (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #Alliwant #Kodaline #Cover #Acoustic
The Scientist - Coldplay (JUNE Duo Acoustique) #Thescientist #Coldplay
Youtube June.png
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